RE-UE4SS facilitates easy mod installation for Unreal Engine 4/5 games, requiring no programming skills. Simply download, unzip, and enjoy new game mods effortlessly.

RE-UE4SS is a tool designed for easy mod installation for games on Unreal Engine 4 and 5, requiring no deep programming knowledge or complex file manipulation. Simply download the latest version of RE-UE4SS, unzip it into the specified game folder, and you’re set to use mods that change gameplay or add new elements without altering original game files.

This tool automatically loads mods created with visual scripting (Blueprints), making the modding process accessible even to those without programming experience. Installing mods becomes straightforward and convenient, allowing you to enjoy new features in your favorite games with minimal effort.

Download RE-UE4SS

What’s new
  • This is a patch release for 3.0.0. Installing over 3.0 is as simple as replacing all files except for your UE4SS-settings.ini if you have custom configs.


This is the standard installation process, but be aware that for certain games, the steps might differ slightly. Always check for any game-specific instructions that might accompany the mod.

  1. Download the most recent, stable build of RE-UE4SS.
  2. After downloading, unzip the file.
  3. Locate the unzipped content and copy it into your game’s installation directory. Follow this path structure: /{Gameroot}/GameName/Binaries/Win64/. In this path, replace {GameRoot} with the actual path where your game is installed, and GameName with the name of your game.
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