League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game where two teams of five players compete to destroy the opposing team's base. Known for its strategic depth, diverse champion roster, and vibrant community, LoL stands as a cornerstone of esports.
League of Legends

Developed and published by Riot Games in 2009, League of Legends has become one of the most popular and influential games in the world. Set in the mythical world of Runeterra, players assume the role of a “champion” with unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The game is primarily played on the “Summoner’s Rift” map, where the objective is to break through enemy defenses and destroy the “Nexus” within their base. LoL is acclaimed for its strategic gameplay, which requires teamwork, quick decision-making, and in-depth knowledge of the champions’ abilities and the game’s mechanics.

League of Legends gameplay involves two main components: laning and team fighting. During the laning phase, players focus on accumulating gold and experience by defeating enemy minions, champions, and turrets. As the game progresses, teams will group together to contest objectives such as dragons, barons, and turrets, which require coordinated team efforts. Success in LoL is determined by a combination of individual skill, team strategy, and the ability to adapt to the dynamic nature of each match.

The game features colorful, stylized graphics that have evolved significantly since its release. The aesthetic is designed to be clear and readable, ensuring that players can easily distinguish between different champions, abilities, and effects during the fast-paced action. LoL’s sound design is meticulously crafted, with each champion having their unique voice lines, sound effects for abilities, and an immersive soundtrack that enhances the atmosphere of the game and the thematic essence of the world of Runeterra.

Download League of Legends

What’s new
  • Fixed a bug that caused Swain’s Demonic Ascension (R) damage and healing to calculate incorrectly
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pyke’s Gift of the Drowned Ones (P) to calculate stored damage incorrectly when multiple enemies are near him
  • Fixed a bug that caused Alistar’s Unbreakable Will (R) to grant excess damage reduction
  • Fixed a bug that caused Pantheon’s Shield Vault (W) to deal less damage than intended
  • Fixed a bug that caused Kog’Maw’s Void Ooze (E) to deal less damage than intended
  • Fixed a bug that caused Thresh’s Flay (E) to deal less damage than intended
  • Fixed a bug with Prowler’s Claw tooltip displaying inaccurate information
  • Fixed a bug with Duskblade of Draktharr tooltip displaying inaccurate information
  • Fixed a bug with Statikk Shiv’s energy system cooldown
  • Fixed a bug with Spectral Cutlass being used by Lee Sin in the preparation phase and leaving him in a combat state
  • Fixed a bug with Big Brain’s shield amount being increased by Master of Duality during the preparation phase
  • Fixed an issue with old Summoner names being used for Top Ranked Arena players in the Ranked tab
  • Fixed a bug with Feel the Burn’s Grievous Wounds not granting reduced healing
  • Fixed a bug with Lee Sin’s Sonic Wave (Q1) not being affected by Skilled Sniper
  • Fixed a bug with Cruelty Passive triggering multiple times for certain grounded effects
  • Fixed a bug with Anathema’s Chains granting excess reduced damage taken from the nemesis
  • Fixed a bug with Shurelya’s Battlesong active granting an incorrect amount of movement speed
  • Fixed a bug with Locket of the Iron Solari’s tracker not working
  • Fixed a bug with Terminus’ tracker not working
  • Fixed a bug with Cruelty’s tracker not working
  • Fixed a bug with Hellfire Hatchet’s Anvil Card displaying incorrect information
  • Fixed a bug with Sion’s Glory in Death (P) remaining active heading into the planning phase
  • Fixed a bug with Ok Boomerang dealing lethal damage to a champion being revived by Nesting Doll
  • Fixed a bug with champions flying off the map when getting knocked up prior to taking a Hexgate
  • Fixed a bug with Hecarim’s Rampage (Q) and Devastating Charge (E) tooltips displaying incorrect values
  • Fixed a bug with Pyke’s Your Cut not being usable during Item Purchase or Augment Select rounds
Old files


League of Legends is free to play and can be installed on PCs through the Riot Games client. After creating an account on the Riot Games website, players can download the client. The installation process is straightforward, with the client guiding users through the download and installation of the game files, ensuring players can quickly start their journey in Runeterra.

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